EDM 310 Class Blog

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

blog assignment #1

I loved the school that Krissy Vensodale came up with in her blog . She made it sound so fun. Which is why I loved it so. As well as the way Sugata Mitra used that computer to teach the kids in . Well allowed them to teach themselves anyway. My school will be all about fun and learning. My students will be the teachers as well as me. They will find out 1st hand what atoms do and how kinetic energy works by doing it themselves through games. What do you want your students to know? I will be teaching the the whole world of science and how we are all apart of it. What do you want your students to be able to do? We will be doing different activities to show how kinetic energy works. They will be bumping into each other to show how it transfers but does not go away. What will be your primary way of teaching you students what you want them to Know and to do? I believe that having fun is the best way to learn. So, by playing games and doing learning activities we will be able to concur the world of science What tools will you use in your classroom? As I already pointed out, I will be using games and different learning activities. What role will students play in your classroom? They will be the teacher, the books, and materials. This will ensure that each student will get 1st hand experience about science.

1 comment:

  1. " As well as the way Sugata Mitra used that computer to teach the kids in ." Why in at the end of this sentence?

    "...will find out 1st hand..." first, not 1st

    "...to concur the world of science What..." Concur? Not the correct word here. You also need a period at the end of the sentence.

