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Monday, November 4, 2013

Blog Post #11

Kathy Cassidy part 1
Kathy Cassidy part 2
Kathy Cassidy part 3

After watching the interview with Kathy Cassidy I agree with her when she says you have to use the current tools to teach the new age child. You cant use tools from 20, 10, or even 5 years ago. But giving a child reguardless of age something like a tablet and expect them not to "hack" it so they can do what they want with it. Its already been done by several thousand students the school board this has happened in has regretted it and said they was surprised when they found this out. I agree let them use the new tools but don't give them 100% free control with it. Here is a better idea why not take them out completely and go back to using real books with paper and pencils. Using all these new age tools yeah it might be faster and easier but I ask again what happens when all this stuff crashes and it can no longer be used. What then are we going to go back to using old school tools?

I have no problems with technology being used. I am not 100% against technology, but giving it to kids because their books are on it is a bit ridiculous. It's not improving our skills our national GPA's are not improving by using them. I think it's funny though that just because someone made the technology yesterday we have to use it today.


  1. Hello Sally! Well first I liked that you took a different approach to Ms. Cassidy's videos. When I first started reading your post, I thought you were going to praise technology because you said you agreed with Ms. Cassidy in that "you have to use the current tools to teach the new age child." However, I feel like you had a different approach, you still made several good points. So this was very interesting to read!

    A few tips that I could leave you with is first, your picture is very large. Also some of your sentences do not flow very well. Some of them did not make sense and I had trouble understanding them. So I would just encourage you to proofread your writing and preview your posts before publishing so that you can tell what everything will look like (your pictures). Other than that, great job, very interesting!

  2. "You cant use tools..." can't, not cant

    "But giving a child reguardless of age something like a tablet and expect them not to "hack" it so they can do what they want with it." Not a complete sentence.

    "Its already been done by several thousand students the school board this has happened in has regretted it and said they was surprised when they found this out." Should be two separate sentences. Its should be It's. ...said they were surprised, not said they was surprised
    What is the source of this claim?
    A first grade? I doubt iPads! They are virtually impossible to "hack" even by skilled teenagers!

    "Here is a better idea why not take them out completely and go back to using real books with paper and pencils. " Do you really believe you can do that? I don't!"...I ask again what happens when all this stuff crashes and it can no longer be used." Do you have data to support the claim that this happens?

    "I have no problems with technology being used." It sure does not sound like that.
